Did you know that approximately 178 million Americans are missing at least one of their pearly whites? While tooth loss is a fairly common concern across the country, it doesn’t mean you have to settle for gaps in your smile. One of the most popular and comprehensive solutions for this issue is dental implants, which can rebuild your teeth from the roots up. To get better acquainted with this treatment option, here are several common terms you should know!
Once you have your dental implant, your dentist will need to attach the abutment on top of it. This small connector piece will be the link between the metal post and your final replacement tooth. While the implant itself should remain stabilized within your jawbone, the abutment guarantees that your restoration stays firmly in place.
Porcelain-Based Ceramic
This dental material is used to construct your replacement tooth. It is made out of a special kind of clay that is later hardened by heat to create a durable substance. Porcelain-based ceramic is one of the ideal materials due to its ability to mimic the strength and appearance of natural enamel, providing you with lifelike results.
A crown is also known as a dental cap, as it is used to cover and protect pearly whites that have been damaged or broken. This restoration typically fits over a single existing tooth. However, for dental implants, a crown can be attached to an abutment to remain sturdy.
Traditional dentures are usually designed to replace several or all of your missing teeth via natural suction with the gums. With implant dentures, your restoration can instead be locked in place via multiple metal posts in your jawbone. This provides superior stability and longer-lasting results compared to the traditional kind.
This is the process by which the dental implant bonds with the jawbone. For this reason, you’ll need to have sufficient bone density for the metal post to integrate properly. Once this is complete, your dental implant should function as your new permanent root. This process typically takes several months to finish.
Endosteal Implant
This is perhaps the most common kind of dental implant available. During your placement procedure, the oral surgeon will insert the metal post(s) directly into your jawbone. Each implant will hold at least one replacement tooth at a time.
Eposteal Implant
Instead of placing the implant into the jawbone, an eposteal one will be supported by resting on top of it. While this isn’t a typical option today, it is still recommended for those who are at risk of bone resorption.
Now that you’re more familiar with some dental implant terminology, you can feel more comfortable about the treatment. Speak with your dentist if you’re interested in this procedure, and they’ll be happy to determine if this option is right for you!
About the Author
Dr. Robert Blake studied at the Georgetown University School of Dentistry. He’s also worked with the Massachusetts Dental Society and helped form The Yankee Dental Congress. He provides a wide range of high-quality and comprehensive services, including dental implants. If you’d like to schedule a consultation, visit his website or call 978-927-3515.