One of the worst things to happen in any medical field is for broad generalizations to take hold, and dentistry is no exception. However, unfortunately, dentistry is one area of medicine where unfounded assumptions are particularly common.
For example, many people think of dentures as being associated with seniors, so much so that some people who could get some benefit from them don’t consider them to be an option. Dentures are a dynamic and powerful tooth replacement option for all kinds of people—here are a few examples.
Dentures During Pregnancy
Pregnancy can wreak absolute havoc on the body, in many ways that expectant parents may not foresee. A good example is tooth loss, which can often occur during pregnancy due to changes in both nutrition and hormonal balance.
The conditions of pregnancy make invasive dental procedures less than ideal, so it’s common for dentures to be used as a tooth replacement for expectant parents.
Dentures For Teenagers
Quite the opposite of seniors, teenagers may actually be an excellent candidate for dentures if they’ve lost teeth. This is because their jaws are still growing, which makes dental implants problematic.
Dental bridges require permanently removing enamel from the tooth, which makes them a poor choice for patients who are interested in eventually getting dental implants. Dentures are therefore an excellent stopgap for teenagers, allowing them to preserve as much of their teeth as possible until they can invest in dental implants.
Dentures and Healing Factor
Dental implants are the go-to choice for many patients interested in replacing teeth, but have the complicating factor of surgery. While the procedure isn’t incredibly invasive as far as surgeries go, patients who have an impaired capacity to heal may struggle to heal afterwards.
Dentures require much less fuss, which makes them an excellent choice for these kinds of patients.
About Our Practice
At Beverly Dental Office, we have been helping people smile their best for over 30 years. We have managed to help thousands of patients over the years to smile their best, and we are enormously proud to say that patients we originally saw as children are now bringing their own kids to our practice. The reason we’ve managed to stay in business all these years is because we genuinely care for our patients, and that shows in the quality of care that we provide.
If you have any questions about dentures, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (978) 927-3515.