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Sunny Success: How Vitamin D Supports Dental Implants  

June 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 5:27 pm
Sunshine made out of supplements next to dice spelling "Vitamin D"

Having gaps in your grin can impact your oral health as well as your overall well-being. Without roots in place to stimulate new jawbone growth, it begins to weaken, which can eventually lead to additional tooth loss. On top of that, you could develop a speech impediment like a lisp, which makes it much harder to communicate. You could become malnourished if you can’t thoroughly chew your food to be easily swallowed and digested.

Fortunately, your dentist can prevent all this with dental implants. Of all the restorations, they’re the only type that is embedded directly into your jawbone to keep it active and strong. Because they offer so many unique advantages, it’s natural to want to do everything in your power to keep them from failing. Although it may come as a surprise, one easy way to support your dental implants is with vitamin D.

Keep reading to learn more about how this essential nutrient is crucial for ensuring the success of dental implants!

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