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I’m Behind Schedule with ClearCorrect – What Gives?

October 1, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 4:00 pm
Clear aligners sitting in a pink plastic case

Clear aligners are an excellent alternative to straightening your teeth with braces. Overall, they’re less maintenance and can take half as long to work, but if your teeth aren’t moving like they’re supposed to, you might be skeptical about that! So, what gives? Why are you behind schedule with your ClearCorrect treatment?

There are a couple of reasons why this could be the case. Keep reading to learn more so you can help your treatment progress as smoothly as possible!

Your Teeth Don’t Want to Move

The simplest possibility for your correction slowdown is that your teeth don’t want to move. When your dentist plots out your ClearCorrect schedule, they use some pretty sophisticated technology to try and predict how your pearly whites will move.

However, everyone’s oral biology is unique. These calculations are useful for getting an estimated idea for your treatment timeline but can’t account for how your individual teeth might react to the aligners. Though it might sound strange, some teeth are more stubborn than others!

There’s a Dental Traffic Jam

Depending on your dental lineup, another possibility could be that your teeth are getting in each other’s way. There’s a lot of micromovements going on while ClearCorrect aligners are straightening things out – sort of like a big city highway. If you have teeth trying to cut in front of each other or shifting at drastically different speeds, you could experience slowdowns from the resulting “traffic jam.”

22-Hour Wear is Important

Clear aligners like ClearCorrect don’t fix your alignment all at once. By applying gradually increasing amounts of pressure, they nudge your teeth into straighter and straighter positions.

But, as you’ve seen, teeth can be stubborn. If that pressure relaxes for long enough, they’ll start to slide back out of place! That’s why it’s so important to wear your aligners as recommended; typically 22 hours per day. Failing to do so will definitely prolong your treatment!

Can I Do Anything to Promote a Smooth Treatment?

Yes, though depending on what’s keeping your teeth from budging, the solution could be more or less involved. No matter what the situation is, though, you’ll want to talk to your dentist! Here’s how they might be able to help:

  • Corrective attachments can put an extra squeeze on stubborn teeth that refuse to move.
  • Tweaking the shape of your pearly whites can alleviate overcrowded traffic jams.
  • Smart pro tips can help you meet the 22-hour wear time requirement, and your dentist will know plenty!

Your dentist is there to assist with the straightening process however they can. Basically, don’t hesitate to voice questions or concerns that you have about your ClearCorrect treatment. At the end of the day, the goal is to provide you with a beautifully even smile. Keep your eye on the prize and remember that you have a dental team in your corner that’s ready and willing to help you get there!

About the Practice

At Beverly Farms Dental, we’re proud to have four highly experienced dentists on-staff. Each has their own unique specialty, and when it comes to beautifying your smile, Dr. Katherine Staniek’s skills are top-notch. She has completed advanced training in ClearCorrect aligners, so if you’re concerned about your progress, she’d be happy to investigate and help promote a smooth treatment. To contact our office, call 978-927-3515.

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