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Beverly Farms Dental Blog

How to Get the Most Out of Your Dental Insurance

March 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 9:02 pm
Dental benefits claim form

Delving into the details of your dental insurance plan may not sound exciting, but understanding your coverage is certain to make you smile! That is because knowing the ins and outs of your dental insurance plan can help you maintain a healthy mouth­ ­and save you money! From key terms, to typical coverage rates, to handy tips to maximize your benefits, here is how to get the most out of your dental insurance.


Can Gum Therapy Impact Your Overall Health? Read on to Find Out!

March 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 6:25 pm
woman mouth open receiving dental treatment

Statistics show the majority of adult Americans suffer from some form of gum disease. Unfortunately, many of the cases go undiagnosed. That puts millions of people at risk of tooth loss, but there’s evidence that greater problems could be on the horizon. Learn about the connection between your gum and overall health, and discover why receiving gum therapy is important.


What Should You Do? With Your Emergency Dentist

February 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 7:30 pm
tooth dental emergency

One minute, life is going smoothly. The next, you have a dental emergency on your hands. It can happen to anyone at any time without warning—often at great inconvenience. What do you do in those situations? How should you respond? Well, you certainly don’t want to panic! Stay calm and collected and immediately contact your emergency dentist, who can help restore you to health. But what if you can’t see the dentist right away? Here are some examples of dental emergencies and what you can do while you wait to get professional help.


3 Important Reasons to Get a Dental Cleaning with Your Dentist

February 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 8:23 pm
woman dental cleaning

You have been told that you should see a dentist twice a year for a dental cleaning. You brush your teeth. Maybe you even floss every day as well. Isn’t what you do at home enough? Actually, to maintain your long term oral health, you really do need to go in for this cleaning. But why? What does this cleaning do that you can’t do completely on your own? Although your healthy daily oral habits are certainly important, here are three things that your dental cleaning does to keep your mouth healthy.


New Name, Same Quality of Care.

January 29, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 pm

We are changing our name from Robert A Blake DDS to Beverly Farms Dental! Learn more about some of our other recent updates below.

I spent the majority of 2018 considering the future of our dental practice and its incredible staff and patients and I wanted to begin a process through which the amazing relationships we have created over the past 38 years could be strengthened and improved, while ensuring that our reputation for providing the highest level care was preserved. During this time, I was fortunate to have met a group of younger dentists whose values for patient care mirrored my own and who I came to trust with the next era of our office. It was a perfect match and, in October, I made the exciting decision to partner with them. I am confident that this partnership will allow me to transition into a role that is sustainable for me and of even better service to you.

I do not want to go away – I still love dentistry and the bond I have built with my patients over this time. Rather, my goal is to have more time to be with my family while doing the things I love, like traveling and boating. To accomplish this, I knew it wouldn’t be a matter of just ‘cutting back’. I needed to ensure my incredible team would have a secure future and that we would continue to stay on the cutting-edge technologically, while enhancing the level of service and convenience to each of you whose lives are so busy.

Part of this transition is the addition of Dr. Lauren Gadeberg to our team. A few of you may have met her already and, for those that haven’t, I am excited for you to speak with her. I believe she is the perfect fit for our office. She is an amazing person and brings positive energy – along with immense experience as a dentist in the US Navy – to our practice.

Aside from the above, we have made only a few changes. First, our name is changing from Robert A Blake DDS to Beverly Farms Dental! Second, we have a new website filled with helpful information. Third, we are now able to provide additional services and welcome a few more new patients with our expanded hours.

Most importantly, however, our commitment to providing exceptional dental care with a team of true professionals is unchanged. Over the coming months and years, I will continue to be a part of the Beverly Farms Dental team. I promise to keep you up-to-date on improvements we are making, and I ask you to let us know of any questions, concerns or ideas you may have. At this point, I couldn’t be happier with my decision. It gives me the balance I desired while taking care of the most important people in my life – family, friends, my team and, of course, each of you.

Thanks again for your support over the years, and I look forward to seeing you smile in 2019!


Dr. Robert Blake

Five Reasons Why Brushing, Flossing, and Seeing Your Dentist are So Important

January 28, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 11:31 pm
couple with beautiful smiles

Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference. Take brushing your teeth for example. It may seem like a minor task that plays no major role. In reality, brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist are essential for enjoying good health and overall success.


Want Great Oral Health Tips From a Dentist? Check Out Our New Blog!

January 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 2:00 pm
Woman getting a dental exam

Welcome! This blog is a new addition to our site where you can find valuable information on a wide variety of dental topics. For today’s blog, you’ll get an introduction to the services we offer and learn about the high-quality care you’ll get from the dentists and the rest of the staff. But be sure to check back in each month for great information on everything from how to achieve better oral health, to what to expect from a particular dental procedure. Whether you’ve been a patient for a long time or haven’t scheduled your first visit yet, we look forward to serving your dental needs for many years to come!


Welcome to Our New Website!

December 1, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — beverlyfarms @ 2:54 pm
welcome sign for new dental website

Have you noticed something different around here lately? As part of our continuous effort to improve the patient experience of all our guests, we recently completed a makeover of our dental website. Now, our website shares more custom photos and tells more of our story. At the same time, it includes the latest technology and makes us more accessible to everyone on the Internet. To learn more about the details behind the change, read on!

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